1)miracle [?m?r?kl]
n.奇迹,令人惊奇的人(或事)It is a miracle no one was killed.出人意料的是,没有人死亡。
2)dazzle [?dæzl]v.使惊异不已,目眩;赞叹n.耀眼; 眩惑;灿烂George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world.乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。
3)drastic [?dræst?k] a.激烈的,严厉的drastic changes in economy and population structure(16,T4)经济和人口结构的急剧变化
4)decrease [d??kri:s]v./n.减少,减小its drastically decreased population(16,T2)人口急剧减少
5)degree [d??gri:]n.程度;度数;学位;等级First-generation was defined as not having a parent with a four-year college degree.(15,T2)第 一代大学生的定义是父母没有一个人是大学生。
6)bureaucratic [?bj??r??kræt?k]a.官僚的,官僚主义的The department has become a bureaucratic nightmare. 该部门的官僚作风非常严重。
7)delay [d??le?]v./n.耽搁,延迟One survey found that bureaucratic delays led H-2A workers to arrive on the job an average of 22 days late.(19,T3)一项调查发现,官僚主义的拖延导致H-2A 工人平均迟到 22 天。
8)density [?dens?ti]n.密集,密度,浓度The region has a very high population density.该地区的人口密度很高。
9)dense [dens]a.浓厚的,密集的,稠密的Its fur is short, dense and silky.它的毛又短又密,柔软光洁。
10)department [d??pɑ:tm?nt]n.部,局,处,科,部门;系,学部Labor Department(15,T4)劳工部
11)description [d??skr?p?n] n.描写,形容;种类His face is weary beyond description.他一脸难以形容的疲惫。
12)describe [d??skra?b]v.描述,形容Mr. Schmidt described it as a “voluntary ecosystem”.(11,完型)施密特先生将其描述为“自愿生态系统”。
13)remind [r??ma?nd] v.(+of)提醒,使想起I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect! 我得提醒自己表现得自信和表现得完美并不是一回事!
14)desire [d??za??(r)]v./n.愿望,欲望,要求Parents need to remind their children that their needs and desires may change over time.(19,T5)家长需要提醒孩子,他们的需求和愿望可能会随着时间的推移而改变。
15)singular [?s??gj?l?(r)]a.非凡的,卓越的;单数的The word 'you' can be singular or plural. 单词 you 可以是单数也可以是复数。
16)despair [d??spe?(r)]n.绝望;使人绝望的人(或事物)vi.绝望I despaired at the singular lack of imagination about girls’ lives and interests.(12,T2)我绝望地看到女孩的生活和兴趣格外缺乏想象力。
17)device [d??va?s]n.装置,设备,仪表;方法,设计Mechanical devices were widely used.(11,T3)机械设备得到了广泛的应用。
18)devise [d??va?z]v.设计,想出,发明Radesky cites the “still face experiment” devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s.(17,T2)Radesky 援引了发展心理学家艾德特尼克在 20 世纪70 年代设计的“面无表情实验”。
19)differentiate [?d?f??ren?ie?t]v.区分,区别;(使)不同Our ability to mute our hard-wired reactions by pausing is what differentiates us from animals.(13, T3)我们能够通过暂停行动来减弱我们固有的反应,这将我们与动物区分开来。
20)diffuse [d??fju:s]v.扩散;传播a.(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的Power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies(等级制) are being undermined.(09,T3)权力越来越分散,传统的等级制度正在受到破坏。