



http://www.newdu.com 参加讨论 2019/12/3

    ​  备战考研英语,大众考生的第一反应便是从英语词汇入手。记住学会一个单词不仅仅是拼写重点掌握的还有这个词的词性,各种语境下的语义。中公考研小编分享“2021考研英语词汇备考:banner的中文翻译及音标”内容,希望能给备战2021考研考生提供帮助~
    unusually good; outstanding
    a newspaper headline that runs across the full page
    long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising
    a banner year
    Banner headline;(also streamer) large newspaper headline,often printed across a whole page
    Be his banner unconquered, resistless his spear
    "Deng Xiaoping Theory is our Banner, and the Party's Basic line and program are the fundamental guidelines for every field of our work."
    As long as we pursue those policies, and as long as our socialist banner stands firmly planted, China will have tremendous influence.
    They overtured the platform, recaptured their torches, tore the enemy's banner to tatters and drove them from their position
    Shoulder to shoulder,singing and lifting the red banners,we marched on.
    A long,narrow banner or streamer borne upon a lance.
    It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs--20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind
    Unfurl a flag,banner,sail,etc
    follow the banner of
    banner petal
    banner bearer
    banner color
    banner word
    banner towing
    join the banner
    拥护...事业[主义, 原则等]
    banner heading
    n. 头号标题
    beneath the banner of
    banner page
    【计】 标题页


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