



http://www.newdu.com 参加讨论 2020/3/26

    ​  备战考研英语,大众考生的第一反应便是从英语词汇入手。记住学会一个单词不仅仅是拼写重点掌握的还有这个词的词性,各种语境下的语义。中公考研小编分享“2021考研英语词汇备考:case是什么意思及反义词”内容,希望能给备战2021考研考生提供帮助~
    1.可数名词:事例, 实例, 情形
    2.the case [sing]实情, 情况
    4.可数名词:病例,病症, 患者
    7.可数名词:诉讼案;(通常作单数)诉讼、 辩论等的一方的辩护事实、理由、论点或论据
    8.[U, C]格(尤指屈折语中,表示名词或代词等与另一词的关系的形式及其变化)
    9.【口】 怪人
    a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation
    an occurrence of something
    a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)
    the housing or outer covering of something
    bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow
    a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy
    a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
    a specific state of mind that is temporary
    enclose in, or as if in, a case
    look over, usually with the intention to rob
    the quantity contained in a case
    a special set of circumstances
    a person requiring professional services
    nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
    a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument
    a problem requiring investigation
    an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
    the actual state of things
    the enclosing frame around a door or window opening
    a portable container for carrying several objects
    This being the case, I am willing to have my application considered for undergraduate admission as a transfer student.
    Finally, it must be emphasized that in some cases sampling can be an extremely hazardous operation.
    A hopeless case
    a hopeless case
    For in that case each would still be a self-contained universe, freed for ever from the sobering influence of external danger
    In the case of(sb/sth);as regards(sb/sth)
    A case containing a ribbon in a spool,for use in printers and electric typewriters.
    Case in a lawcourt;legal proceedings
    In modern road construction, there is a far greater recognition of the importance of the subsoil beneath a road than was the case years ago.
    "B: To authorize arrests and prosecutions in criminal cases, and to supervise the activities of other judicial organs. "
    be the case
    not the case of
    in that case
    in the case of
    the case
    case for
    in case
    in the case
    例如,相当于for example
    in case of
    in no case
    n. 〈计〉计算机辅助软件工程
    1.[C]事例, 实例, 情形
    2.the case [sing]实情, 情况
    4.[C]病例,病症, 患者
    =Centre for Advanced Studies in Environment 环境高级研究中心([英]建筑协会)
    CASE (Computer Aided(or Assisted)Sof
    case by case
    具体分析;个例(也作 就事论事)
    case chilled
    case hardening
    light case
    pencil case
    n. 铅笔盒
    worst case
    a. 最糟情况的;作最坏打算的
    This has exceeded the worst-case estimate.
    I CASE
    整合性计算机辅助软件工程(=Integrate Computer-Aided Software Engineering)
    用CASE工具来进行的软件工程。 ​


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